Prof. Dr. Sonja Grimm



Lectures and Seminars at Undergraduate Level (BA)


  • Organisationen, Strukturen und Entwicklungen der IB  [Organizations, structures and developments in International Relations]: U Würzburg, WS 2023/24.
  • Einführung in die qualitativen Methoden [Introduction into qualitative methods]. U Basel, HS 2018.


  • The European Neighbourhood Policy. U Würzburg, WS 2023/24.
  • Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und Demokratieförderung [Development cooperation and democracy promotion]. U Würzburg, WS 2023/24.
  • The European Union in International Organizations. U Würzburg, WS 2023/24.
  • Examenskolloquium [Research Colloquium]. U Konstanz, SS 2022, WS 2021/22, WS 2014/15; U Würzburg, SS 2020; U Göttingen, WS 2017/18.
  • European Neighbourhood Policy. U Konstanz, SS 2022.
  • European External Affairs. U Mannheim, HWS 2020/21.
  • Demokratieförderung/Democracy Promotion/Promotion de la Démocratie. U Basel FS 2018 , HS 2018; U Konstanz, SS 2017, WS 2012/13, SS 2011, SS 2009; Summer Schools Belgrade 2016, Konstanz 2015, Belgrade 2014; U Nottingham, WS 2011/12; U New Caledonia, SS 2011.
  • Regimewechsel [Regime Change]. U Konstanz, WS 2009/2010 and SS 2013; U Lucerne FS 2018.
  • Global Social Movements/Globale Soziale Bewegungen. U Konstanz, SS 2018; U Basel, HS 2018.
  • Studying War and Peace. U Konstanz, SS 2015.
  • Political Economy of Aid and Development/Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion. U Konstanz, WS 2021/22, SS 2014, WS 2010/11; U Basel FS 2021; U Würzburg 2020.
  • Worse than War? A Research Seminar on Genocide. U Basel FS 2019; U Konstanz, WS 2021/22, WS 2014/15, SS 2012, SS 2010; U Göttingen, WS 2017/18.
  • Mehrheits- und Konsensdemokratien im Vergleich. U Konstanz, SS 2022; U Würzburg, SS 2020.
  • Einführung in die qualitativen Methoden [Introduction to qualitative Methods]. U Mannheim, HWS 2020/21, U Basel, FS 2018.
  • The Case Study Method. U Konstanz, WS 2011/12.